Creative Commons License
The "CMS" that runs this site

use Switch;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use Cwd qw{getcwd abs_path};

# Options

# Flattr ID (Use name, not the number. Undefined to disable.)
my $flattrid = 'jwalck';
# Base url, e.g. (only used by flattr)
my $baseurl = '';

# License, possible options:
# none     - No license tag
# by       - Creative Commons Attribution 
# by-sa    - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
# by-nd    - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 
# by-nc    - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 
# by-nc-sa - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 
my $license = 'by-sa';

# Used like backticks, but automatically chomps output.
sub sh
  chomp(my $res = `$_[0]`);
  return $res;

# Gets mtime of a file or directory, caches the result for speed.
# Should not be used if mtimes might change while the script is running.
sub mtime
  my $file = abs_path shift;
  return 0 unless -f $file or -d $file;
  return $mtime{$file} ||= lstat($file)->mtime;

# Prints an html header to index.html.
sub header
  my ($lastdir) = @_;
  my $descriptionfile = "../" . basename(getcwd()) .".desc";
  my $description = do { local $/; open F, $descriptionfile;  }
    if -f $descriptionfile;
  open INDEX, ">index.html";
  print INDEX <<"EOF";

  print INDEX <<"EOF" if defined $flattrid and (-f '.flattr');
  print INDEX <<"EOF";

print INDEX qq{    
\n} if $flattrid or $license ne 'none' or $description; print INDEX <<"EOF" if defined $flattrid and !(-e '.no-flattr'); EOF print INDEX <<"EOF" if $license ne 'none' and !(-f '.no-license'); Creative Commons License EOF print INDEX <<"EOF" if $flattrid or $license ne 'none' or $description;
EOF close INDEX; } # Appends an image link with thumbnail to index.html. sub href { my ($target, $image) = @_; my ($descriptionfile, $original, $label, $type, $imagefile, $labelfile); if (-d $target) { open F, "$target/index.html"; $label = basename($target) .' ('. scalar(grep { /a href/ } ) .')'; close F; $labelfile = basename($target) . '.label'; $descriptionfile = basename($target) . '.desc'; $imagefile = basename($target) . '.img'; $typefile = basename($target) . '.type'; } else { $original = dirname($target) .'/'. do { basename($target) =~ /^\.?(.*)$/; $1 }; $labelfile = $original .'.label'; $descriptionfile = $original .'.desc'; $imagefile = $original .'.img'; $label = strftime('%H:%M', localtime mtime($target)); } $label = do { local $/; open F, $labelfile; } if -f $labelfile; my $description = do { local $/; open F, $descriptionfile; } if -f $descriptionfile; $image = do { local $/; open F, $imagefile; } if -f $imagefile; $type = do { local $/; open F, $typefile; } if -f $typefile; chomp $type; chomp $label; chomp $description; $type = "text" if $target =~ /.(txt|asc|pl)$/; $type = "no-image" if !$image and !$type; # Different folder types, default to image directory. open INDEX, '>>index.html'; switch ($type) { case "no-image" { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } case "folder" { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } case "text" { $description = do { local $/; open F, $target; }; print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } else { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } } close INDEX; } sub footer { open INDEX, '>>index.html'; print INDEX " \n\n"; } # Queues an image to be resized with convert. sub resize { my $size = shift; my ($input, $output) = map { abs_path $_ } @_; print CONVERT qq{"$input" -auto-orient -quality 90 -resize "$size" "$output"\n}; $converting++; } # Tries to figure out the number of processor cores. sub cores { switch (sh 'uname') { case 'Linux' { return scalar do { open F, '/proc/cpuinfo'; grep { /^processor/ } } } case 'SunOS' { return my $c =()= sh('psrinfo -v') =~ /^Status/mg } case 'Darwin' { return sh 'sysctl -na hw.ncpu' } case /^CYGWIN/ { return $ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} } else { return 1 } } } # Sets timestamp of a file, optionally copies timestamp from another file. sub touch { my ($target, $source) = @_; my $time = $source ? mtime($source) : time; delete $mtime{$target}; utime $time, $time, $target; } # The main function, which generates an image index. sub generate_index { my ($lastdir) = @_; header($lastdir); for my $subdir (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { -d } glob "*") { $typefile = $subdir . '.type'; my $type = do { local $/; open F, $typefile; } if -f $typefile; chomp $type; chdir $subdir; generate_index($lastdir .'/'. basename(getcwd())) if !($type eq "folder"); my $html = do { open F, 'index.html'; local $/; }; chdir '..'; if ($html =~ /a href/) { my @thumbs = $html =~ /img src="(.*?)"/g; href "$subdir/", "$subdir/$thumbs[rand @thumbs]" if !(-e "$subdir/.no-index"); } if ($type eq "folder") { href "$subdir/"; } } for my $text (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { /^[^\.].*\.(txt|asc|pl)$/i } glob "*" ) { # (my $view = $text) =~ s/^/./; # my $fulltext = do { local $/; open F, $text; }; # (my $summary = $fulltext) =~ s/^(.{100}).*/$1/; # $summary =~ s/\n/ /g; href $text; } for my $image (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { /^[^\.].*\.(jpg|png)$/i } glob "*" ) { (my $view = $image) =~ s/^/./; (my $thumb = $image) =~ s/^(.+)\.(.+)$/.$1_T.$2/; href $view, $thumb; -f $view or resize '2048x2048', $image, $view; -f $thumb or resize '800x225', $image, $thumb; # Fix timestamps of thumbnails and medium size images. # This currently needs a second run of the script when adding images. touch $view, $image unless mtime($view) == mtime($image); touch $thumb, $image unless mtime($thumb) == mtime($image); } footer(); } # Add multi processing options if xargs is GNUish. $xargsopts = sh('xargs --help') =~ /-P/ ? '-r -P '.cores() : ''; open CONVERT, "| xargs -L1 ${xargsopts} convert"; print STDERR "Generating HTML ...\n"; generate_index basename getcwd; print STDERR "Converting images ...\n" if $converting; close CONVERT;
Boxxy CMS

A perlscript originally to generate image archives, now doing all
sorts of things and ever expanding into a practical mess.:)

use Switch;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use Cwd qw{getcwd abs_path};

# Options

# Flattr ID (Use name, not the number. Undefined to disable.)
my $flattrid = 'jwalck';
# Base url, e.g. (only used by flattr)
my $baseurl = '';

# License, possible options:
# none     - No license tag
# by       - Creative Commons Attribution 
# by-sa    - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
# by-nd    - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 
# by-nc    - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 
# by-nc-sa - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 
my $license = 'by-sa';

# Used like backticks, but automatically chomps output.
sub sh
  chomp(my $res = `$_[0]`);
  return $res;

# Gets mtime of a file or directory, caches the result for speed.
# Should not be used if mtimes might change while the script is running.
sub mtime
  my $file = abs_path shift;
  return 0 unless -f $file or -d $file;
  return $mtime{$file} ||= lstat($file)->mtime;

# Prints an html header to index.html.
sub header
  my ($lastdir) = @_;
  my $descriptionfile = "../" . basename(getcwd()) .".desc";
  my $description = do { local $/; open F, $descriptionfile;  }
    if -f $descriptionfile;
  open INDEX, ">index.html";
  print INDEX <<"EOF";

  print INDEX <<"EOF" if defined $flattrid and (-f '.flattr');
  print INDEX <<"EOF";

print INDEX qq{    
\n} if $flattrid or $license ne 'none' or $description; print INDEX <<"EOF" if defined $flattrid and !(-e '.no-flattr'); EOF print INDEX <<"EOF" if $license ne 'none' and !(-f '.no-license'); Creative Commons License EOF print INDEX <<"EOF" if $flattrid or $license ne 'none' or $description;
EOF close INDEX; } # Appends an image link with thumbnail to index.html. sub href { my ($target, $image) = @_; my ($descriptionfile, $original, $label, $type, $imagefile, $labelfile); if (-d $target) { open F, "$target/index.html"; $label = basename($target) .' ('. scalar(grep { /a href/ } ) .')'; close F; $labelfile = basename($target) . '.label'; $descriptionfile = basename($target) . '.desc'; $imagefile = basename($target) . '.img'; $typefile = basename($target) . '.type'; } else { $original = dirname($target) .'/'. do { basename($target) =~ /^\.?(.*)$/; $1 }; $labelfile = $original .'.label'; $descriptionfile = $original .'.desc'; $imagefile = $original .'.img'; $label = strftime('%H:%M', localtime mtime($target)); } $label = do { local $/; open F, $labelfile; } if -f $labelfile; my $description = do { local $/; open F, $descriptionfile; } if -f $descriptionfile; $image = do { local $/; open F, $imagefile; } if -f $imagefile; $type = do { local $/; open F, $typefile; } if -f $typefile; chomp $type; chomp $label; chomp $description; $type = "text" if $target =~ /.(txt|asc|pl)$/; $type = "no-image" if !$image and !$type; # Different folder types, default to image directory. open INDEX, '>>index.html'; switch ($type) { case "no-image" { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } case "folder" { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } case "text" { $description = do { local $/; open F, $target; }; print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } else { print INDEX <<"EOF";
EOF } } close INDEX; } sub footer { open INDEX, '>>index.html'; print INDEX " \n\n"; } # Queues an image to be resized with convert. sub resize { my $size = shift; my ($input, $output) = map { abs_path $_ } @_; print CONVERT qq{"$input" -auto-orient -quality 90 -resize "$size" "$output"\n}; $converting++; } # Tries to figure out the number of processor cores. sub cores { switch (sh 'uname') { case 'Linux' { return scalar do { open F, '/proc/cpuinfo'; grep { /^processor/ } } } case 'SunOS' { return my $c =()= sh('psrinfo -v') =~ /^Status/mg } case 'Darwin' { return sh 'sysctl -na hw.ncpu' } case /^CYGWIN/ { return $ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} } else { return 1 } } } # Sets timestamp of a file, optionally copies timestamp from another file. sub touch { my ($target, $source) = @_; my $time = $source ? mtime($source) : time; delete $mtime{$target}; utime $time, $time, $target; } # The main function, which generates an image index. sub generate_index { my ($lastdir) = @_; header($lastdir); for my $subdir (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { -d } glob "*") { $typefile = $subdir . '.type'; my $type = do { local $/; open F, $typefile; } if -f $typefile; chomp $type; chdir $subdir; generate_index($lastdir .'/'. basename(getcwd())) if !($type eq "folder"); my $html = do { open F, 'index.html'; local $/; }; chdir '..'; if ($html =~ /a href/) { my @thumbs = $html =~ /img src="(.*?)"/g; href "$subdir/", "$subdir/$thumbs[rand @thumbs]" if !(-e "$subdir/.no-index"); } if ($type eq "folder") { href "$subdir/"; } } for my $text (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { /^[^\.].*\.(txt|asc|pl)$/i } glob "*" ) { # (my $view = $text) =~ s/^/./; # my $fulltext = do { local $/; open F, $text; }; # (my $summary = $fulltext) =~ s/^(.{100}).*/$1/; # $summary =~ s/\n/ /g; href $text; } for my $image (sort { mtime($a) <=> mtime($b) } grep { /^[^\.].*\.(jpg|png)$/i } glob "*" ) { (my $view = $image) =~ s/^/./; (my $thumb = $image) =~ s/^(.+)\.(.+)$/.$1_T.$2/; href $view, $thumb; -f $view or resize '2048x2048', $image, $view; -f $thumb or resize '800x225', $image, $thumb; # Fix timestamps of thumbnails and medium size images. # This currently needs a second run of the script when adding images. touch $view, $image unless mtime($view) == mtime($image); touch $thumb, $image unless mtime($thumb) == mtime($image); } footer(); } # Add multi processing options if xargs is GNUish. $xargsopts = sh('xargs --help') =~ /-P/ ? '-r -P '.cores() : ''; open CONVERT, "| xargs -L1 ${xargsopts} convert"; print STDERR "Generating HTML ...\n"; generate_index basename getcwd; print STDERR "Converting images ...\n" if $converting; close CONVERT;